Total Money Makeover

Wouldn't you in a few short months like  to move from years of financial STRESS to financial PEACE?

This kind of financial peace is available for you, if you let God in on directing your finances.

Dave Ramsey (radio host & best-selling author) teaches “financial peace” in a humorous and easily understood approach to subjects like dumping debt, growing emergency funds, and avoiding credit sharks.

Join Pastor Chuck and Joann Cassise in this study based on the truth of God’s Word as outlined in Dave Ramsey’s best selling book, “The Total Money Makeover.”

  • If married, we recommend both husband and wife attend together.
  • Cost:
    • $24 - Single (1-Book & 1 Workbook)
    • $34 - Married Couple (2-Books & 1 Workbook)

    The Total MONEY MAKEOVER is a proven plan for Financial Fitness

    Main Campus Campus

    (951) 352-8685

    Family Life Center, Room M

    Date / Time


    Registration closed on Wednesday, September 6, 2023