High School Riverside Outreach - Park Blast 2024

The Park Blast ministry is a gospel outreach to children led by Grace Jr. and Sr. High students.

Join other Grace Community Church students as a ministry team in Riverside! During Park Blast, you’ll engage neighborhood children in outreach focusing on the Gospel. Opportunities include teaching small groups, puppet shows, leading games, telling Bible stories, making crafts, making new friends and more! Don’t worry we’ll help you along the way and you’ll even get a free t-shirt! Here is the schedule for the week. Please remember to pack a lunch or bring money for lunch daily.

Schedule of Events:

Saturday - Training: 8:15 am to 3:00 pm (lunch provided)

Sunday - Dedication of Ministry Team: 8:30 & 10:00 am (both services)

Monday thru Thursday - Park Blast: 8:15 am to 3:00 pm (Bring money for lunch or a sack lunch each day)

Thursday - 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm All ministry team students are invited to a beach celebration of fun, a BBQ dinner, and bonfire. Bring floaties, towels and anything else you need to have fun at the beach. (No cost. Return to Grace at 8:00 pm)

Robert Fogliasso
(951) 352-8685

Pickup and Drop off at GCC

Date / Time


Registration closed on Tuesday, June 4, 2024